
Jaime 'Jimmy' Gaviria


GOLF LESSONS / Investment or Expense?

“If you believe that golf lessons are expensive, try ignorance”. Jim Mc Lean.

Professor Mc Lean synthesizes in that sentence the answer to the question. In classical economic theory, investment is any amount that produces dividends. The expense, on the contrary, is any expenditure that does not contribute to the improvement of income.

Humility is essential in all aspects of golf. That virtue is necessary. Recognize our ignorance is part of the key to enjoy this difficult discipline. 

Choose a teacher who is creative and generous.

Only if you invest, you will enjoy the wonderful result!

LECCIONES DE GOLF / Inversión o Gasto?

“Si cree que las lecciones de golf son costosas, intente la ignorancia”. Jim Mc Lean.

El Maestro Mc Lean sintetiza en esa frase la respuesta a la pregunta. En la teoría económica clásica, la inversión es todo aquel importe que produce dividendos. El gasto, por el contrario, es toda erogación que no contribuye al mejoramiento del ingreso.

La humildad es esencial en todos los aspectos del golf. Reconocer nuestra ignorancia es parte de la clave para disfrutar de esta difícil disciplina. 

Escoge un profesor que sea creativo y generoso.

¡Solo si tu inviertes, disfrutaras el maravilloso resultado!

Professor “Jimmy” Gaviria Born in Bogota -Colombia- in 1964. Before finishing his law school started to teach as a substitute teacher in criminal litigation. Then he worked at University of La Sabana many years teaching at that area of law and work for more than 20 years at his own law firm.

His natural ability to teach, addressed him to invent The Helicopter golf training aid and worked at Broward County Community School for 4 years teaching golf to the community at that social program using the helicopter with tremendous results.

Need Lessons?

Professor Gaviria attends golfers interested in improving their swing by appointment(s) only in your convenient location.
One session goes up to 4 hours, call us at (954) 793 0442 and schedule your class. Travel expenses will be discussed.

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